Value & Ethics
Procurement for the extraction of human resource
Picking and inducting from the pool of potentially job qualified candidates who have competence and willingness to work.
Enriching human resource
Comprehensive and systematic approach of training at all levels on a continuous and ongoing basis, with in the organizational, operational and individual training needs, by evaluating effectiveness of training. Training on inter & intra personnel skill, facilitate to enhance Knowledge through well equipped Library.
Caring human resource
Packages to convict the individual to explore the resource by keeping pace with the modern trends to go beyond the statutory requirements and offer Intra-mural and Extra-mural facilities that would contribute to efficiency, loyalty and motivations of employees Safe, Healthy and happy work environment
Amplifying Employee s Voice
Grievances Redressal Slogan : Hear the grievance, Near the severance, Dear the reverence Setting free flow Communication channels for fast and updated information. Creating platform for Knowledge Sharing. personality development, creative thinking of every intellectual unit.